In answer to the request of our Free Methodist family, the Study Commission on Doctrine (SCOD) presents this resource for pastors, parents and parishioners. The list is certainly not exhaustive and we recognize there is a continuum of opinions and concerns among us as a family of God. It is not our intention by offering these resources to make them prescriptive, but rather to provide the best recent work so that every pastor, parent and parishioner can be well informed and respond with God’s love rather than with fear or misinformation. In 2014 Dr. Denny Wayman created a resource in a digested form that, under God’s leadership, provides the same counsel as the majority of authors: God’s love and the guidance of the Holy Spirit are key. The document is available here.
In this resource we have explored seven books that present a variety of perspectives and experiences from Christians. All write from first-hand experience with some bringing their faith in Christ into their same-sex attraction while others bring their professional expertise either as psychologists, practitioners, or researchers.
We would recommend that these books be read in the following order, with the first four being foundational. However, there may be special interest that would cause a person to go to a specific book first. Because of this we have provided a comprehensive description of the content of each book. We thank Dr. Yarhouse and Dr. Hill for permission to post these digests and encourage everyone to purchase their books, as well as the other authors.